If You Do Not Love Me I Shall Not Be Loved

If You Do Not Love Me I Shall Not Be Loved (2021) is a result of an artists’ life and its surrounding chaos derived from the pandemic through the years of 2020, 2021, and steadily ongoing into the year 2022.
is a Norwegian artist who works in various fields, including installation, film, and performance. His long-term aim is to explore and erase the borders between art and everyday life. In his artistic practice, Kristensen works both in galleries and in public spaces, building bridges between the two and searching for intersections.
Enter the project on this page: www.asefcc.org
December 2021 - February 2022
If You Do Not Love Me I Shall Not Be Loved (2021) is part of the online project A Structure Envisioned for Changing Circumstances (ASEFCC).
Participating artists: Dave Greber (USA), Cristina Molina (USA), duo Anna Ihle (NO) and Addoley Dzegede (USA), Kjetil Detroit Kristensen (NO), Līga Spunde (LV)
Curated by Maija Rudovska (Blind Carbon Copy) in close partnership with Amy Mackie (PARSE NOLA) and Tina Rigby Hanssen (Vestfold Art Center)
A Structure Envisioned for Changing Circumstances (ASEFCC) brings together curators from Blind Carbon Copy (Riga, Latvia), PARSE NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana), Kongsberg kunstforening (Kongsberg, Norway), and Vestfold Arts Center (Tønsberg, Norway)—and artists from the United States, Latvia, and Norway. These institutions and individuals will contribute to this initiative, forming an interconnected web between the participants. This newly created website, ASEFCC.com, designed by Dave Greber, is shared by all participants. The content (images, videos, writing, a podcast, etc.) is contributed by artists, writers, and curators from the U.S., Latvia, and Norway, and will specifically address issues of fragility, precariousness, impermanence, and isolation. Invited artists (thus far) include Dave Greber (New Orleans), Cristina Molina (New Orleans), Addoley Dzegede (Pittsburgh/Tulsa) + Anna Ihle (Norway), Kjetil Detroit (Norway), and Līga Spunde (Latvia).
ASEFCC embraces the unknown and considers how art workers live and produce work within/around/despite constantly shifting frameworks. It focuses on the collaborations, support, and exchange that can take place across great distances, and allows for connections between different geographical locations, while also drawing attention to the creation of sustainable and long-lasting partnerships amongst artists and institutions. The online program hosted on this website will be presented December 2021 through February 2022 and will address the following questions:
How has the pandemic offered new ways to work globally across geographic boundaries?
What have been the challenges of this dis-location?
How can we (and have we) utilized online platforms to connect during times of forced isolation?
Can this isolation provide space for new visions and spark additional creativity?
Can an online platform reach larger and more diverse audiences?
More about the project on the website: www.asefcc.org
- Intervju
- Barn og unge
- billedkunst
- kunstbutikk
- kunsthåndverk
- norsk kulturråd
- osloform
- Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond
- ny logo
- Nye hjemmesider
- Promsys
- Studio Monokkel
- Vestfold Kunstsenter
- Serina Erfjord
- stipend
- gjesteoppholdsstøtte for arenaer
- Katharine Wheeler
- Kulturfondet
- Maija Rudovska
- Bente Sommerfeldt-Colberg
- Kay Arne Kirkebø
- Margrethe Loe Elde
- Østlandsutstillingen
- Sidsel Bergløff
- Utstillingsprogram 2021
- kunstprosjekt
- Open call
- Sagabyen 2021
- Tønsbergs 1150-års jubileum
- arkiv avlevert
- vestfoldarkivet
- Covid-19 smittetiltak
- Stengt
- kunst i offentlig rom
- reperbanen
- Sidsel Bonde
- BKHs delegerte produksjonsstipend for 2021
- Norske Tekstilkunstnere
- SOFT Moments
- KAY ARNE KIRKEBØ - From Above 05.06 – 04.07.2021
- nye lokaler
- Tønsberg sentrum
- Kunstklimavei
- drag, twist, lift, braid
- Horten kommune
- kunstfaglig prosjektleder
- Nordskogen skole
- utlysning
- sandefjord videregående skole
- vestfold og telemark fylkeskommune
- apartefestival
- eksperimentell kunst
- eksperimentell musikk
- Tønsberg
- flytting til nye lokaler
- Øvre Langgate 71
- A Structure Envisioned for Changing Circumstances
- Blind Carbon Copy
- Kjetil Detroit Kristensen
- Parse Nola
- BKHs delegerte produksjonsstipend for 2022
- Prosjektrom,
- I perioden 24.8 til 28.8 arbeider Ingrid Liavaag i prosjektrommet i Vestfold Kunstsenter.
- Program Prosjektrom//TRÅKK
- Vi tar imot søknader om utstillingsplass 2025 og 2026